For many churches, Facebook causes a lot of hand wringing. What do we post? When do we find time to keep it going? What if people post bad things? The first step to effectively using Facebook is changing how you think about Facebook.
Facebook = E
Facebook is a form of evangelism. Yes, the "E" word. A tool to expose people to the word of God. When you treat social media as a serious ministry you will bring new faces to your church and keep current members connected. Just remember that it’s serious ministry and not the church bulletin.
Get the right people involved
You would not send random people out to bang on doors to invite people to your church. The same holds true for Facebook. Form a solid church Facebook evangelism team. Having a team, instead of one person, keeps the page actively, lively and engaging. Your pastor and outreach committee need to be actively involved, then add adult, youth and young adult education leaders, mission coordinators, camp coordinators and more. Train them carefully. If they all post in an organized manner, you will never be short of content again.
Keeping Facebook from becoming an all-consuming burden comes down to brief but regular planning. Facebook is not time consuming if you plan out a 16 day editorial calendar. Why 16? The four most read days of Facebook are Monday through Thursday. The best time to post is between 1:00PM and 4:00PM. The highest readership is Wednesday at 3:00PM. Now it is time to learn a critical mantra....
It's not about you!
Say it often. "It's not about me." Print this phrase out and post it on the wall for your editorial team to see. Facebook is about your readers and what they need. Especially for those outside of the church. Every post needs engage, urge conversation, invite and affirm. For example; a post that reads, "We're having a church rummage sale Saturday. Come and support the church" is an outbound message. Try this; "Want to do some good in the world? Live out your faith? Come to our rummage sale. Cool stuff for your home and all the funds support our city homeless shelter. It's a win for you and for everyone in the community! Saturday 10am - 4pm.”
Here is another example; "Ever wonder if there is a God? You might feel relieved to know others feel the same way. Come join us Sunday, or if you would like to have a private conversation, give me a call and we can talk about it. My phone is 000-0000. -Pastor Jane"
By the way, don’t use church terms. "The Candle Holders Group meets tonight" won't mean much to someone outside your church, nor is it very welcoming.
Dive in!
At a recent gathering, a United Methodist Pastor told me she had taken the Facebook plunge after we spoke at Annual Conference. "I just wanted to let you know it worked!" she said excitedly, "My church is seeing 2 or 3 new people on my Facebook site every week and most of them come from outside my church." With a billion people connecting on Facebook, a majority of them seekers of faith, it's time to discern if you need to be there too. Pray on that one. Then go and "LIKE" God.
I have tried facebook advertising as well, a year ago. Lots of hits and click-throughs, but precious little follow-through. But I think the problem was what we were advertising (a new service at a weird time)rather than that the medium isn't effective. I always notice a direct correlation between the frequency of my posts on our church page, and the number of readers.
ReplyDeleteLots of the connections come through people who aren't part of your church, but are part of your personal wider community. So we definitely need to spend time on that community as well as the fb community.
So far, fb is infinitely more valuable to me than Twitter. Twitter is not breaking across generations as well, yet.